The Smart Factory. A definition.
What do you mean when you say “Smart Factory”?
Everyone has a different definition.
Standardize. Clarify the definition of “Smart Factory”.
In this age of evolving technologies and proliferating acronyms it’s difficult to communicate unless we understand each other.
For example, what does the phrase Smart Factory mean to you? This phrase has evolved to have a different meaning for almost everyone. To make things more difficult, the definition of Smart Factory is constantly changing.
Let’s clarify the Smart Factory phrase by creating a rigorous definition.
The Smart Factory is about connectivity, about being smart at the core. What this means is that a Smart Factory must -
capitalize on available talent and resources
be environmentally responsible
verify work-in-progress in real time
measure and record every detail!
In parallel, processes and procedures must be in place to ensure the data that’s being collected is the right data and that it’s accurate and timely. A complete set of such data is necessary for any analysis to produce a credible predictive capability and deliver results including warnings to the right people in near-real-time. This vision is what Industry 4.0 and the Smart Factory can mean to your business!
Positioning your asset intensive business for Industry 4.0 and the Smart Factory can be a complex task, but the results and power of the benefits make it worthwhile! This is Datamasters strength.
Repeatable and scalable processes and procedures have been prebuilt in FORTIG, enabling asset intensive organizations to implement their Smart Factory asset improvement initiative faster and with certainty. Check it out!
Join in the conversation. Contact me! I’d love to chat with you about how we can assist your organization make this significant shift.