Strategy Execution. Bring your strategy to life!
Strategy Execution … HOW TO?
Mastering Strategy Execution is a must-do to bring your organization’s strategy to life.
There’s a lot of chatter today about significant $ and benefits left on the table even after a sound strategy for step-up change and performance improvement is developed by the C-suite. Savings are never realized, optimization lags, and performance improvements disappoint.
What’s the root cause of this failure to execute a strategy?
Many will say it’s culture. But the tone for culture is set by the leadership team. Often I’ve been witness to insightful leaders with an inspiring vision of what they want their organization to look like in the future. It’s a curiosity that this vision doesn’t get traction. The trick is to translate a corporate vision into an actionable plan that can be owned, tracked, and managed. That’s where Strategy Execution comes into play.
What we know is that everything-is-connected-to-everthing-else. This simple truth suggests that strategy and execution must be connected.
What we know is that the leadership team is rewarded by meeting Y1-Y2-Y3 goals for the strategic objectives that they’re responsible for.
We know that people responsible for executing tasks required to meet the strategic goals of the organization are often just performing these tasks with no understanding of how their work contributes to customer satisfaction or the strategic objectives of their organization. Line Of Sight from execution to strategy is missing.
We’ve taken a bold approach in designing FORTIG to address these problems with a fresh approach to Strategy Execution.
We know an executive needs visibility into the business to be able to enact change with certainty. We created a top-to-bottom solution with traceability to ensure corporate governance was firmly linked to the tactical execution of the business. We created end-to-end traceability linking all actions to the strategic objectives of the business.
It sounds like an oxymoron to suggest an asset intensive organization with fixed plant could be agile. But we did it. Agility is classically defined as a loop: set direction <> execute <> monitor <> analyze <> adjust direction. This feedback loop is embedded throughout FORTIG.
Line-of-sight is talked about a lot. But where have you seen a clear approach to creating line of sight for your organization? Solving this challenge was a major accomplishment. We connect people and technology (that enable an organization’s business processes) to influencing customer behaviour (to purchase our products and services) that will have a positive impact on our revenue and profitability. Boom. Line of sight. We do this responsibly by introducing Environmental Stewardship and Social Responsibility. Along with Finance, FORTIG has a triple bottom line strategy and outcome. Operational Excellence is our mantra.
What’s our secret? We developed FORTIG with rich content and intend that it be adapted to the way you want to do business. We want FORTIG to become the new smartphone in your organization = a living management system per ISO 55000, the international standard for Asset Management. You can’t live without it.
You’ll be able to commit to measurable business outcomes that contribute positively to the bottom line in the annual report of your organization. It’s this feature that will keep the C-suite engaged in asset management and how your assets are managed. Using this approach Asset Management will become a regular part of the C-suite’s agenda where it belongs.
As an asset management professional, you won’t see anything new in FORTIG. It’ll be familiar to you. What’s fresh and new is the way we’ve put these elements together to bring strategy to life. It’s our version of Strategy Execution.