ARCHITECT! Why Change? (4 of 15)
Big Structural Changes
In a culture where nothing has changed in maintenance and reliability in the past 40 years, why change?
People do things the same way as they have always done because that’s the way they have always done things. There’s no other reason. This attitude is perpetuated by old-fashioned leaders who do not want anyone to shake up their world as they coast into retirement. My question: “Is this good enough?”.
Underlying the question “Why Change?” lies another question: “Do asset-intensive organizations need to change?”. After all, these organizations need to survive.
Massive structural changes are in motion — * digitization • digitalization • digital twin *. The big levers of change are: the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), big data analytics (AI and ML), cloud and mobile leading to digital transformation and Industry 4.0. Traditional business models are being turned upside-down. These structural changes prompt a re-examination of the question “Why change?”.
No doubt, it’s complicated. This journey is not for the feint of heart. It requires fierce warriors with vision, courage, faith, trust, a strong belief in self, and tenacity = stick-to-i-tive-ness.
Given that the “Why change?” question is starting to open up, how do we make sense of this fast-moving environment? Terrence O’Hanlon, CEO of, would say: “Create a reality that does not exist today.” In other words, embrace and implement the change. Create it. Live it.
To embark on this journey you must have courage and a vision of your organization’s future.