ARCHITECT! What remains constant? (6 of 15)
Disruption & Change
2 important elements remain constant amidst the disruption.
Amidst the big structural shifts that are taking place, what remains constant?
2 things.
The UPTIME Elements by is made up of 6 domains of knowledge and over 30 individual topics. The UPTIME Elements apply to asset-intensive organizations regardless of change and disruption. The domains of knowledge are —
Reliability Engineering for Maintenance (REM)
Criticality Analysis (Ci), Reliability Strategy Development (Rsd), Reliability Engineering (Re), Root cause analysis (Rca), Capital Project Management (Cpm), and Reliability Centered Design (Rcd) are all must-dos to design for reliability
Asset Condition Management (ACM)
Tactical activities using the technologies and activities of Asset Condition Information (Aci), Vibration Analysis (Vib), Fluid Analysis (Fa), Ultrasound Testing (Ut), Infrared Thermal Imaging (Ir), Motor Testing (Mt), Alignment and Balancing (Ab), Non-Destructive Testing (Ndt), Machinery Lubrication (Lu) must be applied according to the needs of the asset
Work Execution Management (WEM)
Preventative Maintenance (Pm), Planning and Scheduling (Ps), Operation Driven Reliability (Odr), Defect Elimination (De), Spare Parts Management (Mro), and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) are essential for 21st century maintenance organizations
Leadership For Reliability (LER)
Executive Sponsorship (Es), Operational Excellence (Opx), Human Capital Management (Hcm), Competency Based Learning (Cbl), Integrity (Int), and Reliability Journey (Rj) are top-of-mind leadership requirements for reliability
Asset Management (AM)
Strategy and Plans (Sp), Corporate Responsibility (Cr), Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP), Risk Management (Ri), Asset Knowledge (Ak), Asset Lifecycle Management (Alm), Decision Making (Dm), Performance Indicators (Pi), Continuous Improvement (Ci) are essential components of Asset Management as opposed to managing the asset
Internet of Things (IoT)
Source (Sc), Connect (Co), Collect (Cl), Analyze (An), Do (Do) are individual topics where Digital Twin (Dt), Trustworthiness (Tr), and Data Standards (Ds) apply across the five topics in this domain and enable the digital enterprise
This Domain is separate from the above 5 domains with a synergistic relationship existing between them.
The management system for Asset Management —
A management system is the framework of policies, processes and procedures used to ensure that an organization can fulfill all tasks required to achieve its objectives.
ISO defines the standard for management systems, for example, 9000 for Quality, 55000 for Asset Management.
The management system for Asset Management becomes even more important in the midst of business models being turned upside down by the big levers of change and disruption that are in motion. People will require more guidance in what they do and how they perform their roles to fulfil their responsibilities. For example, the analysis of big data might be performed by an analyst working for another company located in another country. When this analysis indicates that a piece of equipment requires maintenance, the analyst will create a work order, ensure the parts arrive on time, and schedule the work to be performed by a qualified crew.
Today in an asset-intensive organization, business processes that are performed by people are enabled by technology. Embedding these end-to-end and top-to-shop business processes with best practices to be referenced and used by people empowers everyone in the organization. Business processes become standardized across the organization. It becomes obvious that everything-is-connected-to-everything-else. Another way of looking at this insight is to say that what I do has an impact elsewhere in the organization. How do people know how things really work? That’s why we need the Digital Twin of the Organization (DTO). The DTO shows people how their organization really works and how people in their roles are connected. It provides visibility and end-to-end and top-to-shop traceability.
With visibility into the organization and traceability to the organization’s strategic objectives, everyone in the organization can see that what they do contributes value to the bottom line. It gives everyone purpose.