Is the IIoT a fad or a trend?
Industrial Internet of Things = IIoT
The IIoT Train is coming, and Reliability is leading the way.
Asset-intensive organizations have to get on the train or get left behind.
Start, but start small.
"Is the Industrial Internet of Things a fad or a trend?"
I was asked this question recently by a colleague of mine. He wondered if the IIoT was similar to the fear-uncertainty-and-doubt that shrouded Y2K.
I would agree that the IIoT is new. But I believe the IIoT is a shift that truly represents the next industrial revolution. It began with the wheel that changed our world. Mankind's use of the wheel transformed boarders, capabilities, and possibilities.
So it is with this next big step. It's been named Industry 4.0 or the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). For the industrial world, the quest for reliability is the key that opens the black box of analytics, machine learning, and predictive failure. But there is risk in this approach.
It's still early days for the IIoT. Understanding all the moving parts and the risks, costs, and benefits is important. Partner carefully and wisely. Start, but start small, start cautiously, and move incrementally. The most important thing is to start.
Within all this change driven by the IIoT, the management system as specified by ISO 55000 will remain constant for Asset Management. Solutions such as FORTIG, the digital twin to ISO 55000, will be even more important to guide managers and tradespeople alike to manage physical assets to derive value for their organization.