ISO 55000 adds value!
Standards are not just a cost
Go beyond the standard-is-a-checklist approach. Embrace the change at strategic level. Stick to it. Experience dramatic benefits.
ISO 55000 isn't any old standard!
Standards and regulations are often viewed as cumbersome, costly burdens. That's the compliance view. Get out the checklist and check off those line items where your organization is compliant. If you can't convince the assessor, then that item goes on a to-do list that's examined the next time for change and improvement. Arg. It's a tedious and costly process. No wonder people cringe when "Standard" or "Regulation" comes up in conversation.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
What if your organization looked at complying with a Standard or Regulation as an opportunity to manage its assets differently? achieve performance improvement? differentiate your organization in the market?
For me the most significant requirement for an organization to be ISO 55000 compliant is a vital link between the business strategy and operations, specifically the way physical assets are managed. As every asset manager knows, physical assets are the heartbeat of every asset-intensive organization! This critical connection between strategy and operations engages the C-suite (finally!) in asset management. They're focused because their compensation is based upon the success of the strategic objectives of the business. Through this lens we see the contribution assets make to the bottom line!
ISO defines the standard for management systems. 55000 sets the standard for Asset Management. Rather than use a checklist, check out FORTIG, the digital twin to ISO 55000. Use ISO 55000 to realize value from your physical assets. Anything you do to move your organization towards ISO 55000 is the right thing to do. Use FORTIG to bring ISO 55000 to life in your organization!